Sunday, October 31, 2010

"The Airing of the Children"

should be aired out." is something I have heard all my life while growing up.  I know they meant that childen should get fresh air but what was the reason.  Was there really a purpose for this besides to get us out of the house so that they could get things done without all the questions children ask that sometimes slow the rate of accomplishment?  Well according to Prevention the fresh air feels great, health, and boosts brain function.  I also reports the fresh air boosts vitamin G and the exposure to the sun can produce vitamin D.   These help to prevent stress, cancer, reduce ADHD symptoms, and show students have had  more success in school.

The following website from the National Wildlife Federation lists "10 Reasons Kids Need Fresh Air"
Great information.

Mind over Matter

What is 'mind over matter' all about?  Why is it when you have confidence and a positive outlook you seem to make out better?  How does one keep a positive mindset when faced with intimidating or stressful situations.  Years ago people would think that those that talked to themselves were crazy.  I have found that periodically reminding myself to stay positive and believe that things will turn out for the best.  It is an emotional, psychological, approach to mental health.  When the mind, body and spirit portray and aura of confidence, there seems to be a response that aligns more with goals than when one goes in with an insecure attitude.  The website listed talks about the 'mind over matter' theory.  The way one stands, acts, and looks  seems to portray an unspoken language that help others to make decisions about you and the opportunity they may offer or deny you.  I found relaxing and talking oneself into believing you can do something also develops and advantageous angle for success.   Professor Ashok Sharma was a professor of physics whos studied cognitive ability said, "Science cannot integrate a non-physical entity, like consciousness, into its conceptual framework, and views human personality as a non-conscious physical system."  I think that as I research this a bit more I will find that it is a matter of the brain's chemistry that helps determine the outcome of the attitude in the 'mind over matter' approach..  Dr, Suess pnce said,  "Be who you are and say what you feel because thiose who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

Seasonally Blue

SAD is known as Seasonal affective disorder effects young and old alike.  This is common around this time of year when the season changes, the clocks and light change.  The disruption in your circadian rhythm could be partially to blame along with less hours of daylight, a change in the natural hormone melatonin levels, decrease in the serotonin levels.  All these can contribute to this form of depression.  This is not unusual and there are tests to determine if your body's chemical balance are all at a healthy level.  Doctors do not know exactly all the whats and whys of SAD but do have some information and treatment for this disorder  which had been for years commonly called the 'Winter Blues'. 

Color My World

Scientific studies have shown colors have a silent power.  Colors have the ability to control feelings, mood, attitude, outlook, behavior and power.  Blue has been found to suppress the appetite.  It has been suggested to use blue in dinnerware, the kitchen, fridge, and even foods when trying to loose weight.  Pink is credited for a calming effect.  It has been used in prison cells to deescalate volitale inmates. Some football teams have painted the opponent's locker room pink in an attempt to drain their strength and power.   Green signifies growth, comfort, safety and healing.  Orange  is intense, warm, and happy color.  It increases the oxygen supply to the brain, is invigorating stimulates and enhances cognitive activity.  Red is intensity,  it signifies power, passion, intensity, or danger.  It increases repiration rate ans can cause some to make quick decisions.  Black is known to portray power, weight or authority.  It can be evil, elegant, mysterious, strength or death.  White is known  to extrude feelings of good, pure, light trust, airy, cool and happy.  What color are you?  Does your room define you?  According to research the color and shade of the room we are in will have an effect on our mood and mental function.


Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Art of Appreciation

Learning keeps the brain sharp, promoting and protecting of the brain's ability to funtion from disparities.  I am thrilled to find I might just almost understand how to set this Blogg up, post, and import, copy, paste, and post pictures.  Alright, I am not certain the difference in the proper terminology of all this stuff yet by adopting a healthier lifestyle with more of a focus on my needs and requirements for a regular exercise routine and acquiring the knowledge of how to adapt a better nutrition plan in the crazy hecticness of my life will help to advance my ability
to function at a higher level.  Then look out, because I know I will
\be able to accomplish the world.  The brain cells will be sharpened
and the self image will begin to get the attention of some polishing
to bring out the full potential of my character, shining with the pride
of accomplishment, a feeling of calm and a sense of peace, smiling
until it hurts but the inability to stop.  I am on my way.  I thank all
those who are patient with my endeavors, promote my growth and
success with their patience, guide and assist me in time of need or
uncertainty, and those who do not get in my way during this process
of self improvement.  Thank you to those who believe, build and
prompt me when it is needed.  Saying thank you and showing
appreciation are such a vital element in life.  The value is.



Do You have the Key? Personal realization and self esteem the key to happiness and a healthy life.

With age one learns patience is a vital part of life.  One finds realizes the importance of quiet times where one must sit, wait, observe, weigh the issues, balance the options, assess, and make well informed, wise choices that are most beneficial with the least reprocussions.  We recognize that having flexibility and stubborn determination in time will deliver a feeling of  accomplishment and pride.   

Knowing what to do, when to do it, and how to accomplish your goals are some of the great challenges and frustrations in life.  The demands, restrictions, and  options are so varied and complicated at times that balancing a healthy life can sometimes be confusing, time consuming and exhausting.  Learning to adapt and find the best way to "have it all" is extremely challenging.  It took a while for me to find and accept my own importance as an individual and not just how I was to be there to tend to and look after others needs or wants.  Everyone must find validation and an inner peace, the important part in themself that makes him or her special and unlike any other.  What makes one happy, feel good, and whole, are what promotes health and longevity.  Surround yourself with people you love, those that support and lift you, and those that challenge you to do and be your best for your own benefit.  Be a life learner always improving the quality of your life from all you observe and experience. 
Live with no regrets, just learning experiences that jolt the quality of your life. 
Don't dwell on the challenges but praise for the accomplishments.
Don't look at the bitter frown but but see the beauty potential within.
Decide you will begin a chain of positive, uplifting motivation where ever you go.
Know, understand and experience the power you have to improve the world around you.     
Look at the positive.
Always Believe.
Live Life Fully. -

YOGA: Producing Your Body's Natural Medicine

Yoga is a passive and yet effective form of exercise.  It is low impact and offers a high return for your time spent.  It can be practiced most anywhere.  Learning simple exercises and proper form have proven to contribute greatly to improved flexibility, strength, posture, breathing, concentration, mood, heart benefits, other health ailments and medical conditions, reducing stress, developing a calm.  According to WebMD  yoga has been practiced for more than 5,000 years.  More than 11 million Americans practice yoga and enjoy the benefits of the discipline.   There are many forms of yoga  that offer a variety of benefits depending on the type chosen.  Flexibility, strength, balance and endurance are both a physical and psychological benefits of practicing yoga.   This simple practice improves posture, oxygen flow, and a more positive attitude.  Yoga changes body chemistry for a healthier you and advances the body’s ability to effectively handle physical and emotional stressors.  It gives the body what it needs to work properly and improve one’s lifestyle.