With age one learns patience is a vital part of life. One finds realizes the importance of quiet times where one must sit, wait, observe, weigh the issues, balance the options, assess, and make well informed, wise choices that are most beneficial with the least reprocussions. We recognize that having flexibility and stubborn determination in time will deliver a feeling of accomplishment and pride.

Knowing what to do, when to do it, and how to accomplish your goals are some of the great challenges and frustrations in life. The demands, restrictions, and options are so varied and complicated at times that balancing a healthy life can sometimes be confusing, time consuming and exhausting. Learning to adapt and find the best way to "have it all" is extremely challenging. It took a while for me to find and accept my own importance as an individual and not just how I was to be there to tend to and look after others needs or wants. Everyone must find validation and an inner peace, the important part in themself that makes him or her special and unlike any other. What makes one happy, feel good, and whole, are what promotes health and longevity. Surround yourself with people you love, those that support and lift you, and those that challenge you to do and be your best for your own benefit. Be a life learner always improving the quality of your life from all you observe and experience.
Live with no regrets, just learning experiences that jolt the quality of your life.
Don't dwell on the challenges but praise for the accomplishments.
Don't look at the bitter frown but but see the beauty potential within.
Decide you will begin a chain of positive, uplifting motivation where ever you go.
Know, understand and experience the power you have to improve the world around you.
Look at the positive.
Always Believe.
Live Life Fully.
www.everydayhealth.com/.../get-happy-the-real-power-of-positive-thinking.aspx -