Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Computer Screen and Eye Strain

Often I have heard that the light of the computer screen can damage your eyes.  The research I did say  that is not true.  The reports have referred to the repercussions from long, continual use looking at a computer screen as 'eye strain' or 'eye fatigue'.  Although your eyes may get red, tired and feel heavy, your eyes and vision are not being damaged.  It is suggested that when one needs to use the computer for a long period of time that he or she take a break every hour or so to rest the eyes from the strain to alleviate the symptoms.  Good information to know in this computer world where most of us are on the computer quite a bit for work, school or pleasure.


  1. That is a good thing to know because I know there has been times where due to writing a paper or researching information, I could be on the computer for 2-6 hours at a time.

  2. I feel like my eyes are always getting so tired from the computer screen. This is good information to know for our health. I also feel like if you are on the computer for a long time at night, it is hard to go to sleep after. I dont know if that is a true fact but it happens to me! I will consider taking breaks now because that is what will help my eyes from staying red and tired!

  3. I sometimes feel like my eyes get worse as I strain them at the computer screen, so its good to know this isn't true! Its hard for me to take breaks at work for a long period of time, only short breaks, and I am pretty much at the computer all day at work. One thing I am curious about is if bad lighting and a computer screen can harm your eyes. My boss is very cheap and likes to keep the lights low but I have to always turn them on because it hurts my eyes when it's dark and I'm using bare minimum light to read.

  4. This is all good information to know. From being a college student there are many times that I sit at the computer for hours on end. I am happy to know that though my eyes will get tired it is not harming them. I will try to take breaks from now on, and give my eyes a rest.

  5. I have always wondered whether being on the computer so often has a strain on my vision because my eyes do begin to strain after long periods. I feel as though I am on my computer so often that it is good to know I am not doing anything that will damage my vision. I as well as many other people I have spoken to feel CVS so I will now attempt to increase the lighting or adjust my setting whenever I feel like this.

  6. I thought the information was great in this post. Sometimes I would be on the computer for a long period of time writing a paper and don't even think of taking a break off it. I will take breaks now to relieve stress off my eyes. It's good to know that your eyes and vision aren't being damaged from the light off the computer.
